
Showing posts from August, 2024

Mastering Music Theory: The C Major Scale Root Explained

Chapter - I Lesson - 1   C Major Scale Root            C D E F G A B C   Learn Section  - 1 Symbol: 1.)   C  ( C - Major  )             C  Major  atractive root this root low voice and high very easy and this root melody and loveble root overall this root C Major scale root beautiful and easy root. The C Major scale root, denoted as CM , is an attractive and versatile root that offers a range of tonal possibilities. Its low voice and high notes blend harmoniously, making it an ideal choice for creating melodies that evoke emotions.         Characteristics of the C Major Scale Root  1.) Bright, uplifting, joyful mood 2.) Suitable for pop, rock, classical music 3.) Harmonious, consonant sound.  no black keys white keys only This root available. This root no   black keys white keys only available in this root.   The C Major scale root is a beautif...

A Minor Chords and Keys Methods

               A Minor  A Minor Chord In Root ( 3 ) Three Minor ( 3 )Three Minor This Is Basic Chord. in Music Play... A minor Scale  ( A B C D E F G A B C D G A ) A minor 3 Fingers 1. Dm - D F A 2. Em - E G B 3. Am - A C E 4. C - C E G 5. F - F A C 6. G - G B D  A minor 4 Fingers  1. Dm - D F A D  2. Em - E G B E  3. Am - A C E A  4. C - C E G C  5. F - F A C F  6. G - G B D G Practice Method  (i) 3 Finger Only Dubble Hand! 1. 4 Beat  2. 2 Beat  3. 16  4. 3 Beat etc.... Tempo 100 To 150... C Major Chord Scale 3 Fingers Practice Dubble Handling  Method : i)  Handling Method What is Handling Method                  The handling method is to keep the right and left fingers on the chords like C F G Dm Em Am while playing the keyboard or piano. ii) Handle Changing Method What is the handle change method The method of changing the han...

C Major Chords and Keys Methods

                                     C Major C Major Chord In Root C Major Scale  ( 3 ) Three Major ( 3 )Three Minor This Is Basic Chord. in Music Play... C Major 3 Fingers 1. C - C E G 2. F - F A C 3. G - G B D  4. Dm - D F A 5. Em - E G B 6. Am - A C E C Major 4 Fingers 1. C - C E G C 2. F - F A C F 3. G - G B D G 4. Dm - D F A D 5. Em - E G B E 6. Am - A C E A Practice Method  (i) 3 Finger Only Dubble Hand! 1. 4 Beat  2. 2 Beat  3. 16  4.3 Beat etc.... Tempo 100 To 150... C Major Chord Scale 3 Fingers Practice Dubble Handling  Method : i)  Handling Method What is Handling Method                  The handling method is to keep the right and left fingers on the chords like C F G Dm Em Am while playing the keyboard or piano. ii) Handle Changing Method What is the handle change method The method of ch...